The First Jamboree – England 1920
B-P had a good ear for words, and he liked to use new names for fresh developments in Scouting. When, therefore, the idea of a great gathering of Scouts was under discussion, he avoided such obvious words as “Rally” or “Parade”, as these were not quite suitable, since they carried with them old meanings which he wanted to avoid. So the word “Jamboree” came to his mind. He was once asked why he called a world camp of Scouts a “Jamboree” – a word few had heard before. His answer was: “What else could you call it?” Later he wrote: “Different people assign different derivations to the word, but whatever its derivation, it will have quite a distinct meaning for most people after this year. It will be associated with the greatest gathering of boys that ever has been held. ‘Jamboree’ to them implies a joyful, cheery gathering of boys with broad-brimmed hats and broad grins – complete in their workmanlike kit of shirt, shorts, staff and scarf. They are the important part of the Jamboree.
Little did B-P know that by 1933, that a rally of Boy Scouts would be added to the meaning of “Jamboree” in the Oxford English Dictionary.
1st Dominion Air Scout Camp – Omaka 1961
Back in 2012 I wrote a quick article about Air Scouting in New Zealand, or more specifically about the Aeronautical Camp badges and pennants known for each event.
The first Aeronautical Camp was held at the Woodbourne Air Base in Omaka, Marlborough in January 1961. The Club does not record any badge or pennant from this event in the Histories Book, although an event ‘logo’ is known, and the general consensus is that the logo was used on correspondence.
Recently I came across the pennant shown below, quite a surprise really as I have neither seen one nor heard of a pennant from this 1st Aero Camp. It is a traditional style pennant, screen printed on felt, 375mm long and with a spine of 155mm. No badge is known to have been made.
Something new to add to the collection, and another little piece of history to add to the Club’s Histories Book. To some degree though, it is not surprising there was some type of collectible memorabilia for the event. When looking through my collection, the similarities of the central design in the pennant to a printed green swatch for the 3rd Dominion Camp, held in Nelson (rather close to Marlborough) is clear to see. There is also a red pennant, and I have had to borrow this scan from someone else’s collection. Overall, some nice pieces of NZ Scouting history.
Darryl Bretherton #7786
JOTA-JOTI 2017 60 Years Connecting Scouts
(Some of this information was taken from the JOTA-JOTI Official world Scouting website,
In 2017, the Jamboree on the Air and Jamboree on the Internet (JOTA/JOTI) weekend was on the 21st and 22nd October 2017. Scouts and Guides from New Zealand were able to talk to other Scouts and Guides around the world about Scouting and Guiding and to show the international aspects of our organisations, using amateur radio and safe internet chat rooms.
Jamboree on the Air and Jamboree on the Internet is an official international event of the World Organization of the Scout Movement (WOSM). It is a programme event intended for young people in Scouting of all ages. The purpose of JOTA-JOTI is to enable and encourage Scouts around the world to communicate with one another by means of amateur radio and the internet, providing a fun and educational Scouting experience and promoting their sense of belonging to a worldwide Scout Movement.
At world level, JOTA-JOTI is coordinated by the World JOTA-JOTI Team (WJJT), led by a World JOTA-JOTI Coordinator (WJJC). The WJJT reports to the World Scout Committee and is supported by the World Scout Bureau.
JOTA-JOTI related activities take place simultaneously all around the world each year during the third weekend in October. The programme for JOTA-JOTI consists both of activities developed at world level and initiatives developed at national and local level, supported by National JOTA-JOTI Coordinators and their respective teams.
The theme for 2017, “60 Years Connecting Scouts” recognized the start of the event in 1957 and commemorated its growth in participation and in the expanding communication channels that are activated during the event. Those channels include amateur radio via radio frequencies and Internet-based channels as well as many other Internet-based options including social media, ScoutLink and IRC chat services, Skype, and more.
For many years, New Zealand used the same basic design for JOTA and JOTI badges (from 1993 for JOTA and 1998 for JOTI) but since 2016 the NZ design has been based on the official world logo. Many badges have been made for JOTA and JOTI around the world. I have shown here a selection of my JOTA-JOTI badges, mostly just one for each year.
This is another easy area for collecting, with many people in other countries interested in swapping for NZ JOTA-JOTI badges.
Rex Moir
The designer Carlos de Sá from Brazil commented:
"2017 Logo is based on the Scout's handshake around the globe (Earth), meaning connection and friendship among all Scouts in the world. Each handshake is shown as colored ribbon representing all type of culture and ethnic group. Hand on and down sustains the globe, the purple left hand seeks someone to be a new friend.”
Pinewood Derby - Badge Theme
Some collectors choose to collect badges with a particular theme
The catalogue in the Club website now provides a way for thematic collectors to search for particular badges of interest. For example, Pinewood Derby badges.
The Cub page on the Scouts Aotearoa website ( includes this:
Cub Packs offer learning programmes where children are encouraged to experience, experiment, and explore…
As a Cub you will:
Make new friends and have lots of fun!
Go on exciting new adventures like camping, bushwalking, kayaking, and rock climbing.
Spend time in your community, work in teams with others, and learn about different cultures.
Learn new skills and test your creativity.
Participate in Events such as Pinewood Derby, Mudslide Day, and JOTI (Jamboree On The Internet).
There are local issue Pinewood Derby badges going back many years. It’s only in recent years that there has been a "national" badge available from Scouts Direct. (2018 was the first).
What is the Pinewood Derby?
Pinewood Derby is a fun event which originated in the USA, back in 1953. Cubs, Scouts (and parents, leaders, etc.) race small model wooden cars down a sloped track.
The cars are powered only by gravity. In the weeks leading up to the derby, Cubs partner with an adult helper to build their pinewood derby car using a kit that includes a wooden block, plastic wheels, metal axles, rules and instructions. The kit includes a link to a 16 page guide that walks through everything you need to know to design, build, paint and tune up a car.