Club meetings are held at a number of locations around the country.
This is a great chance to talk to other members, learn something new and "Swap Badges".


Proposed dates and venues for 2024


  • Sunday 17th March 2024
  • Sunday 19th May 2024
  • Sunday 21st July 2024 - All Saints Birkenhead Scout Hall - Recreation Drive Birkenhead
  • Sunday 15th September 2024
  • Sunday 17th November 2024

Meeting times will be 11-3pm (unless advised otherwise) at the Takapuna Scout Hall, Taharoto Road, Takapuna

  • October: Rangitoto Zone JOTA JOTI Camp - Saturday/Sunday 19-20 October 2024, Camp Maynard, Paremoremo Road, Albany, Auckland. Helpers to assist at the Club Display and Activity welcomed.

Contact person: Darryl Bretherton, Ph: 021-857715 or email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Lower North Island

  • October 2024: JOTA/JOTI – to be confirmed. Details on Facebook.


  • Sunday 5th May
  • Sunday 4th August
  • Sunday 10th November

    Venues for May, August and November meetings yet to be determined.


  • Sunday 18th February.
  • Sunday 5th May

Rowallan Scout den, Dunkirk Street, Timaru, 2 to 4pm.